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applesMrs. Graham’s Kindergartenapples


appleWelcome to our kindergarten class!  Things might look a little apple

different, but we are going to have an AMAZING year!

  Please check our webpage often for updates and events. 



Here’s what’s happening in kindergarten!

August 20th- First day of school!!   Don’t forget to wear your mask!

August 24th-28th- We will be doing a letter and number boot camp.  Exposing the students to all of the letters and numbers to start off the year.  This week will be letters A-J and numbers 1-5.

August 31st-September 4th- Boot camp is still going on, this weeks letters will be K-T and numbers 6-10.  

At the end of our number boot camp I will assess the students on number recognition.  

September 7th-11th- Finishing alphabet boot camp with letters U-Z.  Assessments on letter recognition and letter sounds will be on that Friday.  

**After boot camps are over, we will be learning 1 letter and number a week to really build a solid foundation.**

Upcoming Events:

Monday, September 7th- No School Labor Day


Homework will be sent home on Mondays in our  BLUE daily folder .  I will be sending home a letter/sound list and number list.  Please practice these at home every night.   Letter/sound and number assessments will be on Fridays!  The BLUE daily folder will be sent home on Monday to be returned on Tuesday.  The Homer folder will be sent home on Tuesday to be returned on Wednesday.  




Upcoming Events


School Phone: